Progress in Biogas VI
International Conference with Company Exhibition & Excursion
2-4 September 2024
Register here for the Conference Progress in Biogas VI. For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at register@ibbk-biogas.com our team will gladly assist you with any queries.
Venue: University of Hohenheim, Garbenstr. 30, 70599 Stuttgart, GERMANY.
- Regular Participation Fee Conference (2-3 September): 520 €*
- Students (under 28 years old – 50% discount) – Participation Fee Conference (2-3 September): 260 €*¹
- Speakers Participation Fee Conference (2-3 September): 360 €*
- Culinary Network Evening (September 2): 20 €*
- Excursion (September 4): 190 €*²
*excl. 19% VAT
¹Valid proof of matriculation required. You can attach it to the registration form below.
² Organization and transportation are included. Meals are not included.

REGISTRATION "Progress in Biogas VI"